Books For Prison Ministry

One Of The Best Books On Prison Ministry, Doing Time With God  Contains Powerful Prison Ministry Stories That Help Other Inmates Grow In Their Faith And Awareness 

 "A beautiful testimony of how our shared-life in God is renewed through story. It shows the reconciling power of God's love in our openness and vulnerability - the way to Peace. If you want to see who we are created to be for one another, read this book. It is a wake-up call." "

Sr. Helen Prejean

1. Doing Time With God - Bill Dyer
One of the best books on prison ministry, this is based on the author's experience of being shot in a robbery at a bank ATM. Dyer wrote the book so that inmates could relate to stories about what happens when other inmates come together with victims of violence and share their experiences of crime with one another. Prisoners see themselves and are deeply touched by the stories of healing that take place for peace and reconciliation.

Rave Reviews For Doing Time With God

"I bought this for a friend who is currently incarcerated and he just informed TODAY that his cell mate read it within 2 days and told him (my friend) that it was one of the BEST BOOKS he'd read in a LONG TIME."

- Amazon Customer

"This challenges us in remembering God's awesome power in finding the lost, healing the sick, and turning people's lives around. Read this compelling book and be inspired by what is being done to transform lives and restore people to productive places in society."

- Lynn Huntley, Former Civil Rights Attorney, US Dept. of Justice


The presence of a loving, nurturing, and persistent God weaves its way through each page-turning account of how lives are changed by Faith. I highly recommend this book."

- Joseph Pryor, Assistant Warden; Chief Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons (retired)

"As a victim of domestic violence, a mother whose son has spent time behind bars, and someone whose best-friend/step-sister was violently murdered, my life-mission is to reduce crime. Healing is a vital part of that process. I love these stories for how they affirm God’s healing power that perpetrators and I experience together, when I share my story in prisons."

- Katherine Burns, Director of a Re-entry Center For Ex-offenders


2. Letters to an Incarcerated Brother: Encouragement, Hope, and Healing for Inmates and Their Loved Ones by Hill Harper
After this book was initially released, the author was surprised by the response from inmates. Readers began sending letters and a ministry was born when the author decided to write back to the prisoners and encourage them with words to help them build self-esteem and worth. In addition to inmates finding comfort in this book, family members of inmates also find meaning and comfort too. This is why it is also considered to be one of the best catholic prison ministry resources.


Here Are A Few More Great

Books For Prison Ministry

3. A Question of Freedom: A Memoir of Learning, Survival, and Coming of Age in Prison – Dwayne Betts
Many people know the kind of power that the pages of a book contains for the reader who is hungry to apply the concepts written on the pages. This prison narrative discusses that very topic and how lives can be transformed in prison. A Question Of Freedom addresses different topics, including: the criminal justice system, race, crime, and some others. It teaches prisoners how to survive the harsh environment in prison.

4. Unlocked”: Keys To Getting Out & Staying Out – Chance A Joynmeyer
This book was written by a long-time prison officer with the help of some inmates who wanted to contribute. It was created for inmates who will be released and gives them advice on how to navigate society after release, This practical book includes some exercises to help guide inmates in the state of Florida. It teaches them how to start over again and make the right decisions so that they don't return to prison.

5. 1,352 Days: An Inspirational Journey from Jail to Joy – Karen Volo
Inmates experience many unpleasant feelings while dealing with the challenges and oppressive environment in prison. This book for prison ministry is based on the author's experience as an inmate and was written to help other prisoners deal effectively with feelings of fear and powerlessness, frustration and desperation.

One Of The Best Books On Prison Ministry, Doing Time With God  Is Easy To Read & Powerful In How God's Presence Shines Through The Stories

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Inspirational Books For Someone In Jail Or Prison Because It Opens Inmate Hearts, Touches Their Soul, And Renews Their Mind 

While reading this book, you may experience these things happening in yourself. Discussion questions and an afterword by the author invite you to reflect on your own journey, discover new meaning, and expand this movement of Peace in your life.  

Why Is Doing Time With God One Of The Best Prison Ministry Books?

One of the main factors that we believe all books for prison ministry must have, is the ability to inspire prisoners with a message that touches their heart and soul. After all, that is how we know that God is present and coming to us to meet our needs and fulfill our deepest desire for peace. This seems to be more critical than ever in the prison environment because it is a very powerful thing to experience freedom in the midst of prison.

In addition to the above, it is also important for prisoners to know that God has not given up on them. They need to be able to experience God's healing presence, God's forgiving presence, and God's guiding presence in the form of learning from past mistakes, growing into their God-given potential, breaking through the prisons walls of self-limiting beliefs and anger, and understanding how all of these breaks the cycle of violence.

Doing Time With God is one of the best books for prison ministry because it contains stories about opening to God in surrender and dying into new life in Christ. Inmates can relate to the stories because they can see themselves in them and therefore be touched by them.

This experience in prison is a beautiful thing because it equates to inner freedom that can never be limited by prison walls or fences.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It…

See Why Others Say Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Prison Ministry Books

"I cried, I laughed, and I let God change more in me. When my dad was murdered 5 years ago, I felt a lot of emotions. Emotions I still deal with but seeing it from an inmate's perspective and understanding their wrongs and seeing them reach a common goal with us through God's love is the most amazing emotion I could ever experience."
Katie W.

Murder Victim Family Member

Doing Time With God Is One Of The Best Books For Prison Ministry Because It Shows How Healing Leads To Freedom In The Midst Of Prison